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valencia cuina oberta-restaurant week more than 50 valencian restauran
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Valencia Cuina Oberta-Restaurant Week: more than 50 Valencian restaurants offering us their newest culinary creations

It will remain from 21 April to 1 May
REDACCIÓN 2016-04-10
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Valencia Cuina Oberta-Restaurant Week: more than 50 Valencian restaurants offering us their newest culinary creations. From 21 April to 1 May, you can enjoy the
best gastronomy all across the city.Valencia Cuina Oberta-Restaurant Weekis back, with a selection of more than 50 Valencian restaurants inviting us to taste their newest culinary creations.

Lunch 20€

Michelin-star restaurants 35€

Dinner 30€

Michelin-star restaurants 45€

(Includes VAT. Drinks not included)

What is Valencia Cuina Oberta-Restaurant Week?

It is a delicious initiative that debuted in 2009 and echoes New York and London's Restaurant Weeks, when the city's best restaurants offer exquisite tasting menus at irresistible prices. During the ten-day Valencia Cuina Oberta-Restaurant Week, Valencia's most renowned establishments will prepare their gastronomic offerings for €20 for lunch and €30 for dinner (beverages not included). In the most recent edition, Valencia's four Michelin-starred restaurants offered their menus for €35 for lunch and €45 for dinner (again, beverages not included). Valencia Cuina Oberta is a unique opportunity to enjoy haute cuisine at an unbeatable price.

Who's the organiser?

Since its launch in 2009, Valencia Cuina Oberta-Restaurant Week, the first event of its kind in Spain, has been organised and presented by Valencia Tourism, the organisation that promotes tourism in the city, and sponsored by Cruzcampo Gran Reserva.

How can I participate?

It's easy. A few weeks before each edition begins, Valencia Tourism posts the list of participating restaurants, as well as each restaurant's menu and the date its reservation period opens, on the Valencia Cuina Oberta-Restaurant Week website. From there, all you have to do is select a restaurant - or better, a few - and follow a few simple instructions from Valencia Cuina Oberta to finalise your reservation.


There are usually two editions of Valencia Cuina Oberta-Restaurant Week per year, one in spring and one in autumn. These normally take place in early June -this year in April- and November, depending on the city's schedule of events for those months.


Valencia Cuina Oberta-Restaurant Week takes place throughout the city, as participating establishments are located in Valencia's main tourist and residential areas: El Carme, the Eixample, Russafa, the beach, and so forth. At least 50 restaurants will be on the list. The address and location for each restaurant in each edition is available on the Valencia Cuina Oberta website, next to the reservations tab.


Valencia Cuina Oberta-Restaurant Week has a clear, straightforward philosophy: give Valencian cuisine greater exposure both within Spain and abroad by making it accessible to all Valencians and visitors, no matter what their budget, and boost the economy.

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